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PAGET HEAD OFFICE: 236-2453 6 Valley Road | Open 8:30am - 5:30pm   Oleander Cycles has established itself as one of the island’s top rental and retail cycle shops. We carry a fantastic range of motorcycles and accessories for you to choose from. Including Kawasaki Jet Skis! We have a large selection of accessories so stop by today and see for yourself why more people are moving to Oleander. Child Seats, Bike Covers etc.   GET MOVING!

by Jim Ramsay
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80 results found in Bermuda for general service
Formed in 1946, the Bermuda Industrial Union is a general union made up of some 18 semi autonomous divisions. Predominantly "Blue Collar," our membership is drawn from a wide range of industries and occupations across the...

49 Union Square , City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 10

Formed in 2000, Beechwood OMNIA Ltd. was formerly known as Old Mutual (Bermuda) Ltd. We offer wealth management and reinsurance services to institutions and high net worth individual investors.   We authorize issuance of...

Cumberland House, 6th Floor, City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 11

Located in Devonshire under the Department of Works and Engineering, Recycling Officers work with schools, businesses and environmental NGOs in Bermuda to provide hands-on learning experiences, waste audits, waste facility tours and...

Global House, 43 Church Street, City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 12

Woodley's Services

25 Rosella Cottage, Warwick Parish, Bermuda, WK 07

Wheels Wright Cycle Repair

Butterfield Bldg., 8 Horseshoe Rd, Southampton Parish, Bermuda, SN 04

P.O. Box CR 303, Hamilton Parish, Bermuda, CR BX

R&R Electrical Service

4 Anchorage View Rd., Saint George, Bermuda, GE 01

Located in Hamilton, Iron-Starr Excess Agency Ltd. is a pioneer in Bermuda's commercial insurance and reinsurance market. Also known as the “Agency”, we manage general underwriting on behalf of Ironshore insurance...

141 Front Street, City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 19

Eve, Calvin Electrical Contractor

111 Middle Rd., Barnes Corner, Southampton Parish, Bermuda, SN 01

P.E.N.G. Electric provides both residential and commercial services. We are known for but not limited to renovations to existing homes. We provide generator and Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) installations to allow for back-up...

PO Box HM 2665, City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM KX

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